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Rebecca Cherry

THE 60 MINUTE MIRACLE | Transformational Healing Session

THE 60 MINUTE MIRACLE | Transformational Healing Session

Regular price $397.00 USD
Regular price $497.00 USD Sale price $397.00 USD
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We've all been there. A nagging memory of an argument that just won't go away.

Or, maybe it's a painful experience that keeps you on the treadmill of near tears, getting in the way of healing and leaving it in the past where it belongs.

Or possibly a best friend or family member betrayal that has your stomach in knots with disbelief and anger.

Or the the break up that you never saw coming and can't seem to reconcile, no matter how many times you try to figure out what you got wrong, leaving you unable to get closure and move on from.

The pain of past hurts, betrayal, anger and heartbreak that won't go away no matter how hard you try, are just a few examples of how unresolved, pent-up emotions can hold you back from living your best life.

However, there is a way to heal the past that's holding you back, and a 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Transformational Healing Session is an easy and effective way to do that.


1. Are you holding on to anger and resentment over something that happened in the past, maybe even many years ago?

2. Do the painful memories of the past continually come up no matter how hard you try to forget them?

3. Do you bring up the past and always blame your partner or a family member for what happened long ago?

4. Do you self-sabotage yourself with behavioral habits that you try to overcome with positive intentions and sheer willpower, but to no avail?

5. Are you attempting to emotionally cope or manage your stress levels by overindulging in food, alcohol, drugs or sex? And, no matter how hard you try to stop, you just keep sliding back into giving in or giving up?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have a negative subconscious program running - and possibly even ruining your life.

This is where a 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Transformational Healing Session can help.


THE 60 MINUTE MIRACLE has it's foundation in the well-documented science of the subconscious mind and how it functions. Much like the software programs that run your computer, your subconscious belief systems, family patterns and emotionally-charged-life experiences can be running your life without you even realizing it.

Based on this science, I have developed a simple transformative healing process called THE 60 MINUTE MIRACLE. It works by erasing the painful emotions and negative subconscious programs that are getting in the way of you being happy, fulfilled, and especially healthy in your life.

There are three basic ways a negative subconscious program can be created:

1. The Overt Level: Such as verbal, physical or emotional abuse, a crisis, or a traumatic event.

2. The Subtle Level: Overtime, the drip, drip, drip of negative messaging or feedback that can take a toll and make an emotional impact at the subconscious level and create a new negative belief system.

3. The Silent & Invisible Level: We know that a Mother's soothing voice reading a book while her baby is still developing in the womb can lower the baby's fetal heart rate, and establish auditory bonds after birth. By the same token, emotional outbursts and arguments will also affect the child from the womb to potentially throughout it's entire life.

Aristotle once said; "Give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man."

This still holds true today.

While many people suggest to simply 'let it go' or 'get over it', we all know when it comes to emotional upsets, it's really not that simple.

This is primarily due to how powerful emotions impact us and can get imprinted at the subconscious level as a new belief system, oftentimes as a self-sabotaging belief about ourselves, our potential, and our life.

These subconscious programs are not something that can be overwritten with the most positive of affirmations, will power, or even the best of intentions.

In order to heal the emotional baggage of the past, it needs to be reconciled at the subconscious mind level first.

And, this is exactly what a 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Transformational Healing Session can do.

The great news is, once you heal and release the negative subconscious programs that are running, and possibly ruining your life, you'll be ready to start implementing those positive intentions and affirmations.

The reason for this is because in order to create the life you truly desire, the conscious mind MUST be in harmony with the subconscious mind.


Schedule your 60 MINUTE MIRACLE healing session and shortly after you will begin to feel immediate results and the new inner calm replacing the painful emotions you've been holding onto, for far too long.

You will also begin to see the positive effects in your relationships. People who are connected to your 60 MINUTE MIRACLE healing will also emotionally shift in the way they respond to you, while not necessarily understanding why.

The reason for this is that the emotional release of past anger, blame and resentments will energetically release the tension between you and those involved, creating an window of opportunity to start over, if you both should choose to. No matter what you decide, leaving the emotional pain of the past will create positive and lasting results in your life.


Ask yourself these questions to see if it's something you could benefit from.

1. If you never have to feel the smoldering embers of long held anger, resentment and hurt again, would spending an hour of your time be worth it?

2. And, if you could learn how to express your emotions without placing blame, bringing up the past or attacking your loved ones, what price would you pay to gain that ability for the rest of your life?

3. If you could feel more in control of what you eat, drink and consume in your diet, or finally create a healthier lifestyle to improve your overall health and well being, would you want that?

4. And, If you could fully express yourself and be heard in a way that you felt loved, accepted and supported, would that make a difference in your marriage, family relationships and career?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you will benefit greatly from scheduling a 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Transformational Healing session with me.


Now, close your eyes and imagine how the new sense of peace, calm and serenity will feel; the great sense of freedom and relief to never feel the hurt, anger and resentment again.

Imagine the harmonizing effects it will bring to your marriage, family, friends and life. See yourself happy, laughing and joyful again with the people you love the most in your life.

Feel the gratitude of finally being free of those emotions that have been holding you back in anger and frustration.

Now you know these three things:

1. that you can heal and transform your life from limiting beliefs, long held anger and self-sabotaging programming that have been holding you back.

2. that you only need to make the simple choice to heal, and empower yourself to live and experience your best life.

3. that as your newly found calm and inner peace takes place, your stress levels will drop, which can have life-changing positive effects on your over all health and well-being.

You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain...and that is the freedom to live your greatest potential - by not allowing the past to hold you back.

That is a priceless gift you can give yourself, and those you love.

It's possible, and the time to heal is NOW.

Schedule your 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing Session with me here.


My clients' testimonials will clearly show you the powerful transformation it has brought to their relationships, lives, and their health and well being.


"I'd been grappling with the lingering disappointment and anxiety from a job promotion trial that didn't go as planned. The lack of feedback left me feeling stuck, angry and frustrated.

I even started having panic-attacks.

Through THE 60 MINUTE MIRACLE, I found a powerful way to release the emotional stress that had escalated over a 6-month period.

I was able to let go of the past and move forward with renewed confidence. The panic attacks disappeared. I regained my sense of peace and clarity.

And 10 months later I got an even bigger promotion.

THE 60 MINUTE MIRACLE is a transformative process that I wholeheartedly recommend."
D.R. - Los Angeles, CA

Schedule your 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing Session with me here.


"I was headed for a divorce. My marriage was at a critical juncture, and I was devastated to see it reach this point. I was taking the next steps to leave my marriage - I’d moved out of our home.

Rebecca guided me to try THE 60 MINUTE MIRACLE. And it worked. I felt a distinct and immediate shift. I was amazed because I literally felt all of my anger release. I felt more peaceful and stronger to stand in my power with him.

A few hours later, I was able to have a normal conversation with my husband for the first time in 5 weeks. Within days, I started to see my husband change before my eyes. He stopped drinking and his attitude shifted. Amazingly, he was finally willing to start working on himself.

THE 60 MINUTE MIRACLE works if you're willing to take a little time and be honest with yourself. In my case - the odds of my marriage surviving, were definitely not in my favor.

It’s a year later, and my marriage has never been better!” L.S. Costa Mesa, CA

“After 33 years, it was getting harder and harder to make my marriage work. We had been through so much, and it was an easy solution for me to just walk away.

After experiencing the 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing process, I felt the power to speak to him about things that I had never brought up - things that had been bothering me for years - even things he had done to hurt me early on in our marriage. I was surprised that these things came up as I had forgotten many of them - but they were still buried. 

I am a work in progress, but so much stronger after my 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing session. Thank you Rebecca!” D.S. Laguna Nigel, CA

Schedule your 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing Session with me here.


"I first experienced THE 60 MINUTE MIRACLE for my current relationship. I was frustrated and upset over my boyfriend’s inconsistency and it was getting in the way of our being happy together.

THE 60 MINUTE MIRACLE helped me to be grateful for him, rather than blaming myself for his behavior. I focused on the love between us and what I appreciated most about him. The result was a big improvement in our relationship. My boyfriend is much more consistent now, and we’re both much happier together.

Because I had great results with my boyfriend, I thought I’d see if the 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing process would help me regarding my ex-husband. I was holding onto a lot of anger and resentment toward him regarding all of the bad things he did to me in our marriage, especially how he tried to sabotage my relationship with my young daughter.

THE 60 MINUTE MIRACLE helped me to release the anger I’d been holding against him for years. It was really, really, really helpful and the results were amazing. I no longer feel any bad things about my ex-husband and don’t even think about him any more. It feels great and now I simply focus my energy on my relationship with my young daughter." M.N., Florence, Italy

Schedule your 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing Session with me here.


“THE 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing process has been very impactful in my life. So far, it’s helped me heal my relationship with my Mother as a result of growing up with addiction and domestic violence around me. I felt unsafe, vulnerable and even developed an eating disorder.

Immediately after experiencing THE 60 MINUTE MIRACLE, I felt lighter and safer. My Mother is also treating me differently by being much more supportive and more considerate of my feelings.

I know I have more to heal, and I’m going to continue working with Rebecca and her 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing process to do that.

I’m so very grateful for Rebecca introducing me to THE 60 MINUTE MIRACLE!”
R.C., Newport Beach, CA

Schedule your 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing Session with me here.


"I had been dealing with a family situation that had taken it's toll on me over the past several years. It had reached the point that no matter what this family member said or asked of me, I was impatient, angry and frustrated.

Through the 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing session, I was able to release the long-held negative emotions that had built up over the years. And, once I got to the bottom of my negative-emotion-barrel, it was a short hop up to the love and compassion I truly held inside. 

I'm back to being the caring family member I want to be and they deserve. C.R., Newport Beach, CA"

Schedule your 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing Session with me here.


"I was facing a major career change. I had a lot of ideas about what I wanted to do next, as I love to do many different things, but this created a lot of confusion about which of my many ideas I should follow.

Although I was used to doing more than one thing, I was trying to do some of my ideas, but I couldn’t focus on one or two projects, and it became exhausting.

THE 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing session was really helpful, as I found that my brain started to focus on what I truly wanted. The clarity was the result and within a short period, I’m happy and excited to have started my new career." N.M., Florence, Italy

Schedule your 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing Session with me here.


"I had many unresolved emotions and anger towards my spouse. It was to the point where I felt the tension in my body as soon as he would walk into a room. I believe all these things have affected my health greatly.  

After experiencing the 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing process,
I feel happy and strong - it has somehow given me power over things I can’t control!  It is easy to give up - but so worth it to put the work in." D.S. Laguna Nigel, CA

Schedule your 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing Session with me here.


HOMEOSTASIS: a self-regulating process by which a living organism can maintain internal stability while adjusting to changing external conditions.

All disease - whether at a chronic, acute or life-threatening level is caused by some degree of emotionally-based state of dis-ease. And once you release the root emotional source, your body will naturally come back into a balanced state of homeostasis and heal itself.

We all know that our emotional experiences cause stress, which then stimulates the release of cortisol which in turn creates inflammation in the body.

Stress is the common risk factor of 75% to 90% of all disease, including the ones that cause the highest mortality rates; cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, depression, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Cancer.

Therefore, it's important that we learn how to effectively manage our levels of stress through greater understanding on how to manage the emotional ups and downs of life.

And, once you understand how to effectively express your emotions, with responsibility and without blame, you'll be better equipped to not let the little things get to you as much, and move through the big things with more understanding, compassion and grace.

Remember that anything the body creates, it can also heal, so it's never too late to heal.

Schedule your 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing Session with me here.


Clear Communications create happier relationships of every kind.
You can schedule a 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing Session with me for any relationship in your life where you feel unresolved negative emotions. Once you experience the emotional weight being lifted and released from your body, mind and spirit, you will have empowered yourself to no longer be held back by your frustrations, hurt, anger and resentments.

There is no greater gift you can give yourself and those who you love. Try it and see how once you heal yourself, your loved ones will naturally shift in response, resulting in happier relationships.

Schedule your 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing Session with me here.


The key to Abundance is to consciously create it from a clean slate.

Financial struggle and hardship creates massive emotional stress which leads to a multitude of more problems, whether in your marriage or family, and especially your health.

Understanding that you can wipe those scarcity slates clean, and then create an Abundant life - in every way is what is waiting for you now.

Close your eyes now and imaging  every bill paid and a constant flow of money coming into your bank account. Feel the great sense of relief and give gratitude.

It's possible.

Schedule your 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing Session with me here.


Family Communications
Parental Abuse
Low Self Esteem

Health Related Beliefs
Victim Mentality
Helplessness Mindset
Sympathy & Attention

Food/Eating Habits
Emotional Comfort
Body Image

Panic Attacks

Poverty Consciousness
There’s Never Enough
Lack & Limitation

Fear of Failure
Decision Making

Addiction Beliefs

Sense of not belonging

Ancestral Trauma

It's time to release the past that's holding you back, so you can be free to create your best life.

Schedule your 60 MINUTE MIRACLE Healing Session with me here.


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