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Rebecca Cherry



Regular price $1,997.00 USD
Regular price $3,997.00 USD Sale price $1,997.00 USD
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It’s time to accelerate your ability to transform your life into the one your Soul designed for you to experience.


In The ELEVATE 2 CREATE online course, you will learn the five elements of creation and how they express their frequencies through the seven main Chakras of the human being.

These are the fundamental building blocks of our world of the frequency-based world you live and love in.

It’s really quite simple, and once you learn the ground rules of the world that you weren’t taught about, but the world you actually live in, you will begin to grasp the enormous creative potential you possess to create the life you truly desire to experience.

While most people think in terms of energy, it's really about Frequency.


Frequency is the rate at which an energetic wave vibrates at, such as a sound or light wave.

We live in a world of light and sound waves with much of our conscious awareness and perceptions experienced through one or the other. 

What we think we are seeing with our eyes is but a small portion of the full light spectrum. Cats and dogs see and hear a much larger portion of the light and sound spectrum fields that we can’t perceive. 

However, just because we don’t perceive the full light and sound spectrum fields, doesn’t mean we are not affected by them.

Ever wonder why sound and light therapies are so effective at healing?

All of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions and reactions along with the words you speak out and into the Universe, carry varying levels of energetic waves, which together determine the Frequency you resonate with and are tuned into.

Similar to the radio stations you can tune into or choose to watch on your TV, except this is about YOU and how you express and experience your life; a collective essence of fluctuating frequencies from moment to moment to moment.

So, unless and until you understand how you, as a beautiful and unique 'Frequency Being' fits and functions within a frequency-based world and Universe, you will not know how to truly live to your fullest potential and experience the passion-filled and purpose-driven life you came here to live.


In order to elevate, and maintain your frequencies at the highest possible level, and to be fully capable to create the life you truly desire, you will also need to heal anything that is holding you back in the way of your emotions.

The emotional baggage you've been lugging around (for far too long) in the form of anger, resentments, or the pain of betrayal and loss, also have their own frequency, which are the low-level frequencies that cause stress which creates inflammation that - over time - can result in the body becoming vulnerable to illness.

In the ELEVATE 2 CREATE course, you will learn how to easily erase any emotional debris that's got you out of sorts, or standing in your way.


When you want to expand your ability to create, you'll also need to know  your strengths, weakness and innate skill-sets. This is most easily accomplished through understanding your Astrological Birth Chart, or the roadmap to your life that your Soul designed for you.

Your Astrological Birth Chart is not only your personal guide for divine timing and making those big life decisions, but also to help you understand what you've come here to express, create and experience. Think of it like filters that color your wants, desires and perceptions on a focused area of interest for you express and communicate, your relationship preferences, even your work and career choices.

These are just a few of the self-discovery steps that will connect the dots to how you can utilize, express and experience the creative elements of your life, and then how to effectively manage the levels of frequencies that are constantly ebbing and flowing as they move through and around you.

This is essential otherwise you will not be able to reach your full potential and create the life you truly desire.


  • The science, the guidance and the serenity you hold within to safely navigate these turbulent times of living during Humanity’s biggest transformation as we leave a cycle of fear-based control to living Love as a lifestyle.
  • How our frequency-based world functions and how you fit and function within it.
  • How to identify any negative subconscious programs that are running and possibly ruining your life, and then heal and wipe those programs clean so you can create the new and improved frequency blueprints for the life you truly desire, and the one you truly deserve.
  • How to create a foundation of true creative potential for every area of your life
  • Define, refine and repurpose your success and relationship goals and frequency blueprints
  • How to tap in and turn on your inner genius to gain the insights for the day-to-day guidance and answers you are seeking in moments of confusion or which way to go.
  • The 5 Key Solutions to expanding your awareness and elevating your ability to find peace, despite the chaos that surrounds you.
  • Discover your Soul Blueprint strengths, weaknesses and how to make the most of them on your transformational journey.
  • and much more.


  • Your Astrological Birth Chart and full Interpretation Report
  • Your 2024 Astrological Transit Report - Approx. 30 pages
  • A 60 Minute Miracle Healing Session with Rebecca 
  • The 3-Month Accelerated Elevate2Create Course
  • 6 Q & A Zoom Sessions with Rebecca - 2 Hours Each 
  • Free Access to the Elevate2Create Facebook Group 

The priceless gift of self-empowering knowledge, practical guidance, and the steps to understanding, accessing and utilizing the limitless creative process of the frequency-based world you actually live in.

These are the true ground rules of life that will enable you to more fully envision, create and experience the life you not only truly desire, but the one your Soul designed for you to live and love in.

Join me for this illuminating, empowering and life-changing ELEVATE 2 CREATE course to help you prepare for the New Renaissance, while also transforming your life from where you are to where you want to be.

This is an online course that you can move through at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home.
Ideally, it is designed as an accelerated 3-month course, however you can take as much time as you need.
Twice a month, I will host live Q&A Zoom sessions to help guide you through the course outline and transformational goalposts.
Please keep in mind that you will only have access to the first 6 live Q & A Zoom sessions with me that are included in your course purchase. This is so we can effectively manage the amount of participants and questions during each 2-hour Zoom session. 
In addition to the online course, you will gain access to my private Elevate2Create Facebook group.
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