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Rebecca Cherry

2024 Breakthrough to Blueprint | Workshop Series

2024 Breakthrough to Blueprint | Workshop Series

Regular price $97.00 USD
Regular price $997.00 USD Sale price $97.00 USD
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It's time.

2024 offers us all some unique opportunities to get our priorities straight, get strategic and get going.

It's also a turning point for those who are ready to create those big breakthroughs in their lives.

We are all preparing for the New Renaissance that is approaching. There is a new evolutionary cycle that offers Humanity an opportunity to expand our awareness, elevate our ability to create and definitely remember how to love each other more.

Are you ready?

In Breakthrough to Blueprint for the New Renaissance workshop series, you will transform your life to new heights of improved health, wealth and happiness!

It's why you're here now, and what you're to do next.

Here are just a few highlights of what you can expect from this powerful and transformative workshop series:

WORKSHOP 1 - 2024: THE Opportunity to Transform Your Life

  • Each one of us is being called to transform some area of our life in order to elevate, expand and evolve into our greater selves. This is why 2024 is such an important year of opportunity, because as you elevate and evolve you take me with you and contribute to making the world a better place.
  • We all have some great support coming our way over the next 12 months with Jupiter in Gemini. You'll want to make the most by using the positive and expansive growth opportunity of Jupiter having your back wherever it's affecting your life. 
  • Discover exactly where you are being called to transform in order to prepare and be ready for the New Renaissance that is approaching.
  • You will also receive your Astrological Birth Chart, a full Birth Chart interpretation report along with your current Astrological Planetary Transits. 

WORKSHOP 2 - 2024: Follow Your Heart, It's Smarter Than You Think

  • The key to creating a happy and successful life, first requires knowing what you want, and then to make sure it's all in alignment with your true Heart's desire.
  • Through understanding your Birth Chart - which is really the roadmap to your life, you will learn how to best utilize the strengths and weakness you were born with so you can make the most of them in creating the life you truly desire. Know Thyself.
  • You'll gain a birds eye view of how to more effectively express, focus and create your life journey when you know which way to go, and when you need to turn left, right or stay straight. Timing is everything in life, and there is no better tool to use in life than
    Astrology to know when the time is right.

WORKSHOP 3 - 2024: Heal The Past That's Holding You Back 

  • We'll identify if there are any negative subconscious programs running - or possibly ruining your life, sometimes without you even realizing it.
  • Whether its an emotional barrier, belief or family patterns that are getting in the way of your success, health or happiness, it's time to heal and leave them in the past where they belong.
  • You may have one or more negative subconscious programs standing in your way, and we'll identify and prioritize them so you can transform and begin creating the life you are dreaming of living.

If you are ready for your 2024 Breakthrough to creating your New Renaissance blueprint to living a happier, healthier and more love-filled life, join us!

This is an online workshop series designed to guide you step-by-step to creating the life you not only desire, but the one your Soul wants you to express, experience and live. 

Join us on Zoom from the comfort of your home.


The Breakthrough to Blueprint Workshop series is scheduled over three consecutive Saturdays. You have two daily workshop schedules to choose from: Morning or Afternoon Workshop


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