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New Renaissance Coaching with Rebecca


It's all connected.

We are all connected, and once you learn how your heart is the center of your life from within, without and with the world around you, you can become the masterful creator you came here to be.

Once you understand how to master the creative process of all life, the result is an accelerated ability to masterfully create every area of your life with growing expertise.

This is a priceless gift you can give to yourself.

My mission is not to create a forever client. I don't claim that I can 'empower' anyone else. I am here to share the knowledge, techniques and self-empowering processes that I have used to help countless people over the past thirty years.

My goal is to help as many people as I can to create and experience their New Life Renaissance. 


Because as your heart lights up in recognition of who you truly are, why you are here now and what you are to do next - your Heart will light up more hearts and the world transform into a beautiful, harmonious, joyful and love-fueled New Renaissance the likes of which Humanity has never experienced before.

This may sound idealistic, however, I have seen the potential of our collective future, so I already know that it's possible.

It is simply about making a choice today to be happier, healthier and wealthier than you may have ever dreamed was possible.

What I have discovered in my 60+ years of living, with my own fair share of ups and downs, is that:

~ Happiness is choice you can make in any moment.

~ Health can be healed when we come into emotional equilibrium.

~ Wealth can arrive n any moment when we are open to receiving it.

~ Love is always within, without and with the world around you when your Heart is open to experience it.

That's why I'm here now - and what I came to do. And I've been preparing for this time for my entire life.

It's time to get excited about life again, get ready to create your New Life Renaissance and then live it!

Whether you want to attract the love of your life, regain your health or create more wealth in your life, knowing the fundamental steps in the creative process for anything is what creating Your New Life Renaissance can do for you.

It’s possible and it's time to accelerate and transform your life into the one your Heart and Soul designed for you to experience.

To truly create in life requires more than a new mindset, motivation, positive affirmations or action. This is all about truly understanding the foundational elements that go into creating everything and every life on Earth. 

And it requires that you, the creator, understands that there are certain elements outside of your direct control. Yet they will still require your ability to move through the creative process while expressing your visionary goals with clarity, conviction, patience and knowing that at the perfect time and place, your beautiful new vision will emerge into your life.

And timing is one of those very important steps that will require your commitment, dedication, perseverance and patience along the way.

So, if you learn, practice and integrate the seven steps to creative mastery with me, you can only create success, as the Universe is an equal opportunity provider that does not discriminate on any basis. That is one important aspect to becoming a masterful creator you will learn with me.

Why now?

We are all being called to elevate our awareness to a higher standard of living with each other, in cooperation, not competition, and in harmony and balance with Nature.

That will require each one of us to take a hard look at our lives, and see if there is room for improvement, but especially if we are living our best life.

Let's be honest, we've all been through a lot over the past four years.

But it's time to recognize that if we want to live in a world that our children will want to live in, then each one of us has the responsibility to start setting higher standards and taking the necessary steps to ensuring that a new and improved life is not only possible, but absolutely necessary.

If we continue to be honest with ourselves, then there's only one place to begin, and that is with ourselves, right here and right now.

That will require taking 100% personal responsibility for contributing your best and brightest ideas, passions and purpose in the interest of securing our children's bright future and for the collective good.

So, by now you can see that my passion and purpose is not to simply teach...

...but to inspire you to begin creating YOUR NEW LIFE RENAISSANCE.


Because I've seen the potential of our collective future, and it's absolutely amazing, beautiful and filled with more Joy than you can probably imagine right now.

But, don't take my word for it.

Just close your eyes for a moment and imagine the world you would love to be living in right now. The world you would love every child to grow up in.

People living love as a lifestyle with pure Joy pouring from their Hearts is what I've seen, felt and experienced in a powerful vision I had shortly after the lock-downs in April 2020.

So, for me personally, as well as professionally - this is a big deal. And I view my role in inspiring anyone reading this now, as my true purpose in life. It's what I've been preparing for my entire life. 


The priceless gift of self-empowering knowledge, practical guidance, and the steps to understanding, accessing and utilizing the limitless creative process of the world you actually live in.

These are the true ground rules of life that will enable you to more fully envision, create and experience the life you not only truly desire, but the one your Soul designed for you to live and love in.

What's included in your 90-Day Accelerated New Renaissance Coaching Program:

~We will connect once each week for a power-packed 90-minute coaching session. 

~ Personalized coaching based on what you want to create, where you need to heal and how you want to transform you life.

~ A personal Astrological transit report reading and review of where the planets are calling you to transform as your Soul designed it for this amazing time on Planet Earth

~ Accelerated learning and guidance through each of the New Renaissance Steps to Creative Mastery course

~ Life time access to the VIP FaceBook Group

~ Accelerate your ability to transform your life, your health, your relationships and your success to the potential that you came here to create, express and experience. 

If you are ready to accelerate your ability to create the life you truly desire, schedule a free consultation call with me today!

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