The 60 Minute Miracle

Heal the past that's been holding you back from living your best life.

What people are saying about

The 60 Minute Miracle

"I had lingering anger, disappointment and anxiety from my job to the point that I started having panic-attacks. Through the 60 Minute Miracle, I was able to release the emotional stress that had escalated over a 6-month period. The panic attacks disappeared. The 60-Minute Miracle is a transformative process that I wholeheartedly recommend.” D.R. - Los Angeles, CA

"I was headed for a divorce. My marriage was at a critical juncture, and I had no idea what I could to do to fix it. Rebecca guided me to try her 60 Minute Miracle. It worked and marriage has never been better!” L.S. - Costa Mesa, CA

“The 60 Minute Miracle healing process has helped me heal my relationship with my Mother as a result of growing up with addiction and domestic violence around me. Immediately after my 60 Minute Miracle healing, I felt lighter and safer. I’m so very grateful for Rebecca introducing me to her 60 Minute Miracle!” C. R. - Newport Beach, CA

“I had many unresolved emotions and anger towards my spouse. It was to the point where I felt the tension in my body as soon as he would walk into a room. I believe all these things have affected my health greatly. I feel happy and so much stronger after using the 60 Minute Miracle.  Thank you Rebecca!” D.S. - Laguna Nigel, CA

"The 60 Minute Miracle helped me to release the anger and resentment I’d been holding against my ex-husband for years and the results were amazing. It feels great and now I simply focus my energy on my relationship with my young daughter." M.N. - Florence, Italy

“For my second time using the 60 Minute Miracle, I sat down and it was like dominoes falling as I saw all the connections - like a giant spiderweb of feelings and how they connected to many family members - even some who are no longer living. The emotions of guilt, anger, resentment connected to all of the people and linked back to the feelings of guilt.

Once I completed the 60 Minute Miracle process - I felt so happy, empowered and free again.”

L.S. - Costa Mesa, CA

Family relationships can come with some heavy baggage. The 60 Minute Miracle will help you to not only identify the negative beliefs, emotions and programs you learned in childhood, but can finally heal them once and for all. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, Heal the past that's been getting in your way of having positive, loving and happy relationships with your family again.

It's no secret that long-held anger, resentment, frustration, anxiety and every day stress can take a toll on your health over time. So, it's more important now than ever before, to know how to release the negative emotions and reduce stress before they can impact your health. Discover how to improve and better manage your mental, emotional and physical health with the 60 Miracle Miracle.

What you think and feel about your career, money and financial responsibility can impact your ability to create true and lasting success. When you release the negative programs of scarcity, limitation and self-sabotage, you free yourself up to new ideas and opportunities to create financial success in your life. This is where your true purpose and potential can take a giant leap forward to living your best life.

We've been taught to eat our veggies, get good grades, work hard and you can have a great life. I think most people realize it's not that simple anymore. What does you Heart truly desire to create, express and experience? This is where The 60 Minute Miracle can help you clear the old programming so you are truly free to create the life you not only desire, but the one your Soul designed for you to experience.


Transformational Coaching with Rebecca

If you are ready to transform your life into the one your Heart truly desires, then you will want to know how to create it from the very frequency foundations of all life.

And, once you know these along with the seven simple steps to creating anything - the results will be an accelerated ability to masterfully create every area of your life.

Schedule a free discovery call with me to see how my Transformational Coaching Program can help you create the life you not only desire, but the one you can't wait to live!

A New Renaissance

The Quiet Revolution of the Heart

In The Quiet Revolution of the Heart, Rebecca connects the dots of today's chaos that is actually preparing us all for tomorrow's New Renaissance. Get ready and get excited!

What You Need to Know Now

Notes from the Universe

Even more timely now in October of 2024 than it was nearly 15 years ago, this book will help you to understand the powerful part that YOU play in creating the New Renaissance.

An Adventure for All Ages

Isabella's Earth

This book was divinely inspired and is the first in a series written for children of all ages. It's time to reconnect to our beautiful Mother Earth and ensure that our children continue to nurture Nature for everyone.

Passion Filled Purpose

Do Work That You Love

The saying goes; do what you love and you'll never work another day in your life. While that is mostly true, building a dream takes more than love, but it's a great start. Coming Soon!


Copyright ©2010 - 2025 Rebecca Cherry/The Elemental Goddess . All rights reserved